How to Clean a Dog's Fur Without a Wet Shampoo

Washing with a wet shampoo can occasionally be inconvenient.
Martin Poole/Digital Vision/Getty Images

It is not always possible or even advisable to wash your dog with wet shampoo every time he gets dirty. Whether your dog puts up a fight whenever it's time for a bath or you simply do not have the time to lather, scrub and dry him, consider substituting a dry shampoo for a wet one. Dry shampoos are simple and inexpensive to make and can remove dirt, debris and bad smells from your dog's coat in a pinch.

Combine 1 cup cornstarch with 1/2 cup baking soda in a large bowl. Mix together thoroughly.

Brush your dog's fur from head to tail, brushing out any tangles or knots.

Apply the cornstarch mixture to your dog's fur in sections, avoiding the eyes, nose and mouth.

Use your fingers to work the mixture into the fur, making sure that it reaches the skin. Dogs with double coats may require a little more effort to ensure that all of the coat is covered.

Leave the dry shampoo mixture on your dog for at least five to 10 minutes. Dogs with very dirty or foul-smelling fur may require the mixture to sit for up to 50 minutes.

Brush your dog thoroughly once again. The dry shampoo will brush out, along with excess dirt, grease and oil.


  • Apply the dry shampoo outdoors or in a bathtub, as excess powder and dirt can make a mess.

    You can also use a commercially available dry shampoo to clean your dog without water. You can find these at many pet supply stores.


  • Apply the dry shampoo outdoors or in a bathtub, as excess powder and dirt can make a mess.

  • You can also use a commercially available dry shampoo to clean your dog without water. You can find these at many pet supply stores.

Items You Will Need

  • 1 cup cornstarch
  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • Bowl
  • Dog grooming brush