Diamond Eye Stain Removal

Diamond Eye helps restore light fur to its original color.
hundeauge image by Linus Theißen from Fotolia.com

Discoloration around a dog or cat’s eyes results from a reaction that occurs between tears and the bacteria on the animal’s fur and skin. Some breeds, such as Persian cats and miniature poodles, are more prone to tear stains because of their eye anatomy, but it occurs in other breeds for various reasons. Vitacoat’s Diamond Eye is one product that groomers and pet owners use for removing tear stains from fur.

Medical Evaluation

Tearing, tear-stained fur and discharge from the eyes can indicate a medical condition, so consult your veterinarian about the issue before using the stain-removal product. If your pet has an eyelid abnormality or eye infection such as conjunctivitis, follow your veterinarian’s treatment recommendations, which may include medication or a surgical procedure.


Shorten the fur around the eyes if the pet is not a short-haired breed, and clip away any fur that contains mats or significant amounts of dried discharge. Short hair reduces the chance of irritation and infection from bacteria and matting, and it eases the stain-removal process. A professional groomer will perform this service for you, but if clipping the fur yourself, use clippers or blunt-nosed scissors, and practice extreme caution to avoid injuring the eye or skin.

Stain Removal

An ophthalmic ointment helps protect the eye from contact with the stain-removal product but is optional. Do not apply Diamond Eye to the eye or into the surrounding crevices; use it only on the fur. Coat a cotton ball or cotton swab with Diamond Eye solution and rub it on the discolored fur around one eye. Repeat the process with a fresh cotton swab around the other eye. A clean, damp cloth removes the solution from the affected area after application. This process also removes other types of stains, such as those from food on a dog’s “beard.” Typical use is once daily for one week or three times daily for one week on severe stains.