How to Make an Elizabethan Collar for Dogs

Elizabethan collars make mealtime a challenge.
Janie Airey/Lifesize/Getty Images

Elizabethan collars, or E-collars, are cones designed to keep your dog from turning his head and licking or biting areas of his skin or paws. These are routinely given by your veterinarian after a medical procedure or injury, but you can make a collar at home with just a few simple steps. Just don’t expect your dog to be thankful for your new creation.

Cardboard Collar

Lay the sheet of cardboard on a flat surface. Buckle your dog’s collar together to form a circle. Place the collar on the cardboard and, with a pencil, trace the inner circle onto the cardboard. For small dogs, a paper plate works well.

Cut a single line from the edge of the cardboard into the traced circle. Cut out the traced circle.

Place the piece of cardboard over your dog’s head and pull the edges together to form a cone. Tape the edges together to secure. Trim the edges of the cone as needed.

Bucket Collar

Choose a toy bucket or old plastic planting pot with a bottom that has a diameter the same size as your dog’s collar.

Trace your dog’s collar on the bottom of the bucket or pot and cut out the circle. Use a screwdriver or the pointed end of a scissors to poke four holes around the bottom edge of the bucket or pot. Use a nail file to smooth down any sharp edges.

Thread pieces of shoelace through the holes. Slip the opening over your dog’s head and tie the cone to your dog’s collar.


  • Most dogs do not like wearing Elizabethan collars. In addition to preventing them from chewing, these collars make it difficult to walk, sleep and eat. For an alternative, consider making a pillow-type cone collar. For large dogs, an old breastfeeding pillow, secured around your dog’s neck with Velcro, provides a comfortable alternative. For smaller dogs a large, stuffed sock secured around the neck with Velcro may work.


  • Most dogs do not like wearing Elizabethan collars. In addition to preventing them from chewing, these collars make it difficult to walk, sleep and eat. For an alternative, consider making a pillow-type cone collar. For large dogs, an old breastfeeding pillow, secured around your dog’s neck with Velcro, provides a comfortable alternative. For smaller dogs a large, stuffed sock secured around the neck with Velcro may work.

Items You Will Need

  • Your dog’s collar
  • Thin, flexible cardboard or paper plate
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Toy bucket or plastic planting pot
  • Nail file
  • Screwdriver
  • Shoelaces