Bloat in Deep-Chested Dogs

Deep-chested dogs are more likely to develop bloat.
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The condition commonly called bloat is also known as twisted stomach and medically known as gastric dilatation volvulus. GDV is a deadly medical condition that requires immediate veterinary attention. Deep-chested and large-breed dogs, particularly senior and underweight dogs, are susceptible to this ailment.

Causes of Bloat

Bloat occurs when a dog ingests food too quickly, causing the stomach to turn or twist in such a manner that it inhibits blood flow. The stomach quickly fills with gas while the digestive process continues, leading to severe and uncomfortable swelling. If immediate medical intervention is not taken to reposition the stomach and resume blood flow, it can impact other organ systems, including the heart, and cam be deadly, quickly, for your pet.

Deep-Chested Dogs

Deep-chested dogs like Doberman pinschers, standard poodles, Great Danes, German shepherds and Irish setters are more susceptible to bloat because of their narrow, elongated chests. Fast action to correct the twisted stomach is vital to ensuring the dog’s health and recovery. In most cases, a vet will perform emergency surgery to untwist the stomach. He may simultaneously perform a procedure called gastropexy that will help prevent against an occurrence of bloat in the future.

Signs of Bloat

Bloat will occur immediately after eating, with the condition getting progressively worse if left untreated. Your dog may attempt to burp, or he may look like he's trying to throw up, but with no productive results. In a deep-chested dog, you may see visible evidence of the stomach’s distortion. Your dog will likely be uncomfortable, possibly even shaking or shivering -- these are the initial signs that he could be going into shock. Dogs who receive immediate care and treatment for bloat have an 80 percent survival rate.

Preventing Bloat

If you have a large, deep-chested dog, give him several small meals each day rather than one large feeding. Spread his food on a cookie tray so he has to eat it slowly. Don't allow him to exercise vigorously for at least an hour after eating so his food first can properly digest. If your dog is underweight, talk to your vet about a plan for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight to make him less susceptible to twisted stomach.