Can Parasite Worms Live in Your House?

Pet parks and beaches may harbor parasites.
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Parasites and worms are not just pet problems. If you have inside pets, the chances of having worms or parasites in your home is increased greatly. Luckily, there are ways to prevent and treat the pests before they infect you or your family members.

Stages of Parasites

Puppies and dogs carry several types of parasites that can live in your home and affect humans. Ascarids and hookworms are two common parasites. Others include roundworms, tapeworms and coccidia. Each type of worm has a specific life cycle. For example, the hookworm has four stages that begins with the egg and then develops into three larvae stages.

Preventing Parasites in Your Home

Prevention really is the key when dealing with worms and parasites. Not only can they harm your puppies and dogs by spreading diseases, causing allergies and sucking enough blood to cause anemia, they can invade the humans in your home as well. For instance, hookworms carry a disease called cutaneous larva migrans, which causes red, inflamed lesions on the skin according to the Mavis Vet website. Work in conjunction with your veterinarian and develop a deworming program. Also, treat your pet and the area where he lives with flea and tick spray, powder or dip.

Treating Your Home

If your pet travels inside and outside on a regular basis, odds are you have some form of parasites or worms living in your home. The most common areas include the bathroom and kitchen. Keeping the floor clean by vacuuming and sweeping at least once a week, then mopping with a steam mop and soapy water helps remove parasites according to Dr. Wilson’s website. Wash your pet's bedding in hot water once a week as well.

Avoid Getting Parasites

Since your dog or puppy can bring worms and parasites into your home, wash your hands after playing with her. Also, don’t let her kiss you in the mouth or lick open wounds you may have. Also, get your pet his own bed and don’t let him sleep with you. If you take your dog to parks, make sure he doesn’t eat other dog’s feces and wash his feet with a baby wipe before letting him in the house.