Doggies often are envious of their people during mealtime, and it's hard to blame the cuties, especially if you're enjoying a massive Italian feast. Though the majority of people foods are either inappropriate or unsafe for canines, some items are exceptions, albeit in very tiny amounts. Think celery and carrots.
Carrots not only are totally non-toxic to doggies, they actually make a rather healthy occasional snack option for your furry friends, according to the ASPCA. If you want to reward your pet with a rare "people" treat, carrot sticks may be the way to go. Just make sure to always chop the carrots up into small, chew-friendly bits. Also, it's very important always to exercise moderation when it comes to treats. Give your pooch two or three pieces of carrot, rather than a whole bowl, for example.
Raw celery is another doggie-friendly veggie snack option. If you cut the vegetable up into small bits or grate it, you should be good to go. As with carrots, however, it's important to offer your doggie only very small amounts of celery -- no more than a few bites.
Diet Changes
Canines often have fragile and delicate constitutions, and because of that, may suffer from stomach upset and diarrhea as a result of any changes to their daily diet. If you notice any tummy issues in your doggie after feeding him either carrots or celery, make sure to avoid feeding him those vegetables again in the future. The enjoyment your pet may get from eating those veggies is not worth the potential discomfort he may feel at a later time.
Other Vegetables
Celery and carrots aren't the only vegetables that may be suitable as once-in-a-while treat options for well-behaved dogs. Other safe veggie yums for dogs include zucchini, cucumber and green beans. Just make sure always to cut the vegetables up into easy and manageable bites first. Not all veggies are harmless, though. Scallions, garlic and onions, among others, are toxic and hazardous to dogs. Never allow your pet to eat any vegetable unless you have the prior approval of your veterinarian.
Although some treats are OK, always remember your pet should be eating mostly balanced doggie foods, whether moistened or dry. Remember, quality dog food should make up between 90 and 95 percent of your fluffball's consumption every day.