Cleaning Instructions for a Kong Chew Resistant Dog Bed

Every dog needs a comfy bed.
Russell Illig/Photodisc/Getty Images

Some dogs just cannot be trusted with a regular bed. Notorious chewers will make short work of traditional stuffed beds, so you will have to try something a bit more durable if you want to keep the stuffing in and the dog teeth out. Kong’s chew-resistant dog bed promises greater durability than traditional dog beds, but follows many of the same general cleaning practices.

Vacuum the bed cover thoroughly. This helps remove dirt, debris and hair from the bed before you run it through the wash.

Unzip the nylon outer cover and remove it from the bed.


Wash the nylon cover in your washing machine with cold water. Wash the cotton liner on hot, separately.


Place both the cotton liner and the nylon cover in the dryer and let them tumble dry.


Put the liner back inside the cover and zip it closed once both are dry.


Items You Will Need

  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Laundry detergent