Deciding on a breed that's suitable for your lifestyle is an important undertaking -- one that involves the consideration of key factors from typical health ailments to daily exercise requirements. Dachshunds and Chihuahuas, totally different breeds, both occasionally experience skin disorders. Make sure you're aware of them.
Dachshunds, Acanthosis Nigricans and Yeast Infections
Dachshunds are vulnerable to skin issues, according to author Kevin Michalowski. Acanthosis nigricans, for example, is a skin disease that appears to be exclusive to the breed. Symptoms of the condition include the emergence of dense and dark skin in areas of the body such as the armpits. Yeast infections are also particularly common in dachshunds, according to veterinarian Ernest Ward of VCA Animal Hospitals. Some key symptoms of these infections are oily, missing clumps of hair on the skin. These clumps frequently appear on the throat and neck. They also usually have distinct yeasty smells.
Dachshunds and Other Typical Skin Issues
Outside of Acanthosis nigricans and yeast infections, dachshunds can experience skin ailments such as seborrhea, alopecia, impetigo and allergies. Impetigo, which is also commonly known as puppy acne, affects youthful dachshunds and typically goes away as they enter adulthood. If a dachshund has seborrhea, his skin might appear either excessively dry or excessively oily. Extreme itchiness is a common indication of dogs suffering from skin diseases. If you notice hints of skin irregularities in your pet, schedule a checkup with the veterinarian immediately -- when it comes to health issues, time is of the essence. Ignoring skin problems in dachshunds can exacerbate them, sometimes even leading to baldness and other troubles.
Chihuahuas and Canine Melanoma
Canine melanoma refers to a malignant tumor that consists of melanocytes. Melanocytes are specialized skin cells that produce pigments and therefore decide on skin coloration. Chihuahuas are prone to canine melanoma, along with dogs of other breeds such as Irish setters, Boston terriers and golden retrievers. Some typical symptoms of canine melanoma are foul breath, exhaustion, weight loss, frequent salivation, nausea, difficulties swallowing and lack of appetite. If a Chihuahua has melanoma, you might see conspicuous dark masses on the skin. You also might see bloody moles. If you have a Chihuahua and think she might have melanoma, get veterinary attention.
Chihuahuas, Diet and Skin Woes
Canine melanoma isn't the only skin-related ailment that affects Chihuahuas. Note that what you feed your Chihuahua can influence how prone she is to skin woes. If your Chihuahua doesn't consume a well-balanced and nutritious diet, she'll be more vulnerable to skin issues such as ringworm and demodectic mange. If you have any questions about proper diet for Chihuahuas, consult your veterinarian.
- The Chihuahua's Special Dietary Needs
- The Chihuahua Handbook; D. Caroline Coile
- VetThink/ Your Chihuahua
- Dachshund Club of America: Dachshund Handbook
- Best Friends Veterinary Center: Breed Risks - Dachshund
- 15 Minutes to a Great Puppy; Kevin Michalowski
- Dachshund Health Issues
- VetThink/ Your Dachshund
- Veterinary Dermatology; Frances Gaudiano and Cathy Curtis
- Morris Animal Foundation: Melanoma