How to Cook Pork Rinds for Dogs

Dogs enjoy crispy pork skin. Images

Homemade pork rinds make a tasty treat for your dog that lacks the fat and preservatives of store-bought pork rinds. Baking ham skin for pork rinds keeps the treat easily digestible for your dogs, so you won't be cleaning up bathroom messes after a pork rind snack.

Preheat your oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit. While the oven preheats, coat your cookie sheet with pan spray.

Prepare the pork skin. Lay pieces of ham skin on a cookie sheet. If you wish, sprinkle a small amount of salt over the ham skin. Your dog doesn't need salt to enhance the flavor, so you can omit this. Too much salt leads to excess thirst in dogs.


Bake the ham skin in the oven for three hours. During this time, the ham skin will dry out and turn into crispy pork rinds.


Cool the cooked pork rinds on the counter until they are completely cool to the touch. Store in an airtight container.



  • If you cannot find ham with the skin on at your local grocery store, try local butcher shops or farmers markets.


  • If you cannot find ham with the skin on at your local grocery store, try local butcher shops or farmers markets.

Items You Will Need

  • Baking sheet
  • Nonstick pan spray
  • Ham skin
  • Salt (optional)