What Is a DA2PPC Booster for a Puppy?

Vaccinations protect your puppy from serious, contagious diseases.
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Vaccinating your puppy is a critical step in preventing common but preventable diseases that have high mortality rates. The DA2PPC booster is a vaccine that provides your puppy with his core immunizations except rabies, and it protects against several serious diseases including distemper and parvo. Your vet will help you set up a regular booster schedule to keep your puppy safe from these serious diseases.


The DA2PPC vaccine protects puppies and dogs against distemper, adenovirus type 2, parvo, parainfluenza and coronavirus. These diseases are especially deadly in puppies.

Distemper is a very contagious viral disease affecting the respiratory and nervous systems. Puppies can get distemper from many animals including foxes, coyotes, skunks and raccoons. Adenovirus type 2 causes kennel cough and is related to the herpes virus. Parvovirus often attacks the intestinal lining, causing severe diarrhea. Puppies who contract parvo often die of dehydration or heart failure. Parainfluenza is another disease that contributes to kennel cough. Coronavirus causes severe diarrhea and vomiting similar to parvovirus.

How Vaccinations Work

Vaccinations introduce a killed virus into the puppy's system. The system creates an immune response without becoming sick from the virus. The puppy then has the antibodies necessary to kill off any live viruses it encounters.

Recommended Schedule

Take your puppy in for his first dose of the DA2PPC booster when he's 6 to 8 weeks old. After that first dose, your puppy will receive four boosters, one every three to four weeks. Once your puppy finishes the initial vaccination series, he should receive an annual booster to maintain immunity. Your vet will set up a vaccination schedule and will help you decide what other vaccines might be necessary in your area.

Side Effects

The DA2PPC booster protects your puppy against deadly diseases, but vaccinations sometimes have negative side effects, which usually are mild. They can include swelling at the injection site, lethargy and mild fever. Your puppy should return to normal within a couple of days. Sometimes vaccinations cause more serious side effects or allergic reactions that require immediate veterinary care. These include hives, swelling of the face or neck, and continual vomiting or diarrhea.