While most dog owners worry when their dog has a fever, a low temperature can be just as worrisome, unless of course, your female dog is expecting a litter. A healthy dog’s temperature runs between 101 and 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything below this normal range can signify hypothermia or impending labor.
More Than Just a Chill
Hypothermia is a condition where your dog’s temperature drops below the normal range. Mild cases occur when the temperature drops between 90 and 99 degrees Fahrenheit, while severe cases can cause the temperature to drop below 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Cold temperatures increase the risk of hypothermia, especially in small breeds, older dogs or young puppies. Other causes of hypothermia include diseases of the hypothalamus and hypothyroidism. If your dog has a low temperature, wrap her in a blanket to help warm her up. In severe cases, consult your veterinarian, as internal core warming with warm intravenous fluids may be necessary.
Puppies on the Way
If your female dog is expecting a litter of puppies, a drop in rectal temperature near her due date indicates labor is likely to occur within 24 hours. In the hours before active labor begins, a female dog’s temperature drops below 100 degrees Fahrenheit. When her temperature drops, ensure she is in her whelping box and you are prepared to assist with delivery if necessary.
Writer Bio
Deborah Lundin is a professional writer with more than 20 years of experience in the medical field and as a small business owner. She studied medical science and sociology at Northern Illinois University. Her passions and interests include fitness, health, healthy eating, children and pets.