How to Know When a Dog Has to Pee

Neglecting to watch your dog can result in accidents.
Chris Amaral/Photodisc/Getty Images

If Rascal is peeing all throughout the house, don't blame him, blame yourself. You might not know it, but your furry pal's body language might tell you when he has to go potty. In addition to this, his age and potty training schedule can also help predict what's to come. It's up to you to know what to look for to prevent constantly cleaning up accidents.


Watching Rascal can help you determine when he has to pee. Whether he's a puppy who you're trying to housebreak or an adult dog who's already housebroken, both will appear restless when the urge to go to the bathroom emerges. Profuse sniffing, circling and pacing can indicate the need for a potty break, as can whining and barking or pawing at the front door. During the housebreaking process, consider tethering your pet companion to you so you can watch him like a hawk.


Raising Rascal on a set schedule can make it easier to predict when he has to go potty. Establish a set time for feeding, playing, sleeping and walking. Take your dog to his designated potty area after he eats and drinks, before going to bed, after waking up, after playing and before and after confinement. If accidents occur, incorporate more potty breaks into your schedule. With consistency, a routine will form that both you and your pet companion can get used to.


Rascal's age can tell you a lot about his potty habits. If he's a puppy, converting his age in months to hours indicates how long he can go without a potty break. For instance, if Rascal is 2 months old, he can hold his waste for about two hours at a time -- you'll have to bring him to go potty every two hours. As your dog matures, he'll need fewer potty breaks, and by the time he's about 4 months old, he might be able to sleep through the night without a potty break.


Rascal can learn to ring a bell to alert you to take him to go potty. Hang a cowbell on the front door at your dog's eye level and ring it each time you bring him to go potty. After a week, hold your hand in front of the bell and encourage your dog to sniff or paw it. When he does this to the point where the bell rings, praise him and give him a treat before taking him outside. With consistency, he'll associate the bell with going potty and might start ringing it without your assistance.