Foxglove's Dangers for Dogs

All parts of the foxglove are poisonous.
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The foxglove looks pretty, but it's also pretty deadly for people and pets. It is the source of digitalis, a traditional heart medicine that cures if given in correct doses, and kills in larger amounts. Control your pup if you are near foxgloves, and if you have some in your garden, make sure the plants are surrounded by a dog-proof barrier.

Foxglove Poisoning

The foxglove contains chemicals called cardiac glycosides, which interfere with the electrolyte balance in the heart muscle. The symptoms of poisoning in a dog who has ingested some of the plant range from moderate to severe. Typical signs of foxglove poisoning are drooling, nausea and vomiting. The more severe symptoms involve an irregular and fast heartbeat, dilated pupils, collapse and cardiac arrest. Get your pet to a vet immediately if you think he has eaten foxglove.

Similar Poisonous Plants

Other plants containing similar toxins are oleander, lily of the valley, Star of Bethlehem, dogbane, milkweed and kalanchoe.