Once you have seen a bored dog destroy a favorite pillow or leave a set of teeth impressions on the leg of a new chair, you may find it hard to believe that his stomach may be as delicate as his teeth are sharp. Feeding your furry friend the right people food can ensure he grows up healthy and happy, but the wrong people food can make him miserably ill.
Commercial Dog Food
Commercial dog food is formulated to provide your pet the nutrients needed to live a long and healthy life. Special formulas for puppies, seniors and dogs with special health needs eliminate the need for you to supplement your dog's food with people food unless you choose to. If you decide to put your pet on an all natural diet or to supplement with occasional people food, gradually change the food over to the new diet to prevent giving your pet a stomachache.
Good Foods
People foods that are good for your dog or puppy include lean meats that are free of gristle and small bones. The meat should be cooked to kill any bacteria or parasites from entering your dog's system. Avoid seasonings, but you can mix in vegetables such as zucchini, carrots or green beans. Cooked rice, potato and pasta added to the meat can also help your pet feel full. You can finish off your pet's meal with a healthy dessert of banana, apple or seedless watermelon.
Bad Foods
You cannot trust your dog to know what is good for him. He may beg for a bite of chocolate or stick his nose into an unwatched glass of tea or beer, but chocolate, caffeine and alcoholic beverages are not good for him. In fact, these foods, as well as certain types of nuts, onions, garlic, nutmeg and avocado, can do more than give him a stomachache. They can make him sick, cause permanent organ damage or even kill him.
If you think your pet has eaten something that is not good for him, call your vet, the local animal emergency center or the animal poison control center immediately. Some signs that your dog may have food poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding, seizures, listlessness, lack of appetite and excessive drooling. Do not wait for him to get better on his own. The sooner he is treated, the better the odds that he will recover.