Itraconazole for Dogs

Wrapping an itraconazole pill in a piece of cheese helps the medicine go down. Images

If your dog's diagnosed with a fungal infection, your veterinarian might prescribe itraconazole to clear it up. Marketed under the trade name Sporonox, this medication treats various fungal problems with few side effects. However, it can interact with other drugs, so let your vet know of any medications you give your dog, including those purchased over the counter.

Itraconazole and Fungal Infections

If your dog suffers from ringworm, yeast dermatitis, aspergillosis, candida or other fungal infections, itraconazole can kill off the fungal culprit by inhibiting the growth of certain enzymes. Available in pill and oral solution form, itraconazole usually is well-tolerated. Some dogs might experience vomiting and diarrhea after ingesting the drug. If your dog loses his appetite after taking the drug for a long period, discontinue the medication and call your vet. That's a sign of toxicity with long-term use. Pregnant or nursing dogs, or those with liver disease shouldn't take itraconazole.