What Kinds of Dogs Have Puffy Tails?

Chows are known for their bushy, thick tails.
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Like dogs themselves, tails comes in various shapes, sizes and furriness scales. Certain breeds are known to have thicker, fuller hair, leading to puffier tails. The bushiness of a tail also can depend on the canine's health as well as its owners' grooming. In addition, surgery or other physical manipulation can influence the appearance of a dog's tail.

Chow Chow

Pomeranians have extremely puffy tails.
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The chow chow is known for its bushy, thick fur and small, rounded ears, giving it the look of a small lion. Another key characteristic of the chow is its puffy tail, which curls around its back when it walks. The chow is believed to be one the oldest dog breeds, dating back some 4,000 years to China. Depending on its coat type, chow chows and their tails need brushing at least once a week.


Pomeranians are often described as toy-sized puff balls and their tails are no exception. The breed has an abundant double coat of fur that is made up of a thick textured outercoat and a softer, denser undercoat. Pomeranians' tails are heavily feathered and sit high on their backs. The breed is known to shed significantly and daily grooming is required. Visiting a professional dog groomer every four to six weeks is recommended by pet experts.

Siberian Husky

The Siberian husky was bred to be a sled dog and is best known for its strong endurance and willingness to work hard. Because the breed originated in colder climates, Siberians have a thicker, fuller coat than other dog breeds. The Siberian's body and tail consists of a dense, cashmere-like undercoat and a longer, coarse topcoat. Siberians have a relatively easy-going personality, but their owners should be aware that Siberians require weekly brushing to maintain their furry coats.

The Samoyed

The Samoyed breed is perhaps best identified by its heavily coated tail that curves upwards and touches the dog's back. Like the Siberians, the Samoyed was bred for sledding and has a thick double coat that protects it from harsh winters and cold climates. The hair on a Samoyed sticks straight out with no curly or wavy furs. The breed is generally white, but also comes in cream and biscuit-colored. The Samoyed is a heavy shedder and requires daily brushing.