Do Natural Wormers Really Work for Dogs?

Where is my beef wormer?
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Worms are internal parasites in your dog. The most common types are hookworms, roundworms and tapeworms, according to the American Kennel Club. Puppies acquire hookworms from their mother and her milk or a hookworm can burrow into the skin. Roundworms can be acquired by a puppy from its mother too, and whipworms are only detectable through a stool specimen from your vet. Natural wormers are available to treat all types of worms. If you suspect your pet has worms, take him to the vet for a diagnosis.

How do Wormers Work?

Wormers, essentially, anesthetize the worms so they cannot stay attached to your dog's intestines. The worms pass out of your dog via his stool where they cannot survive in the environment without a host causing them to die. Herbal blends have herbs that kill the worms and eggs. Preventing your pet from walking in infected feces will prevent hookworms from reattaching as a host by burrowing under the skin.

What is in a Natural Wormer?

Natural or herbal wormers include herbs that kill worms and their eggs in your dog's intestines. Some common killers include wormwood, cloves and pumpkin seeds. Most natural wormers also include a mild laxative, such as dandelions, to help the worms pass. Some natural wormers include a probiotic to restore good digestive system enzymes and garlic to boost the immune system.

How Often to Worm?

Since puppies are usually born with worms, they should be wormed at 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks of age. Afterward, it is best to worm them monthly to prevent worms in the intestines explains WebMD Pets. Do not worm puppies who are ill, have an infection, chills or are in overcrowded, unsanitary conditions. Stress on a puppy's system can cause severe diarrhea. Seek veterinary care if your puppy has worms and is ill.

How Well Do They Work?

According to Dr. Denise Moffat, a medical intuitive and veterinarian, herbal and natural wormers do not work as well as wormers you acquire from your vet. Some, such as tobacco, can cause violent cramps. Your dog may be allergic to the herbs in the wormer and he could become extremely sick trying to pass the worms. Vets carry wormers that are beef-flavored and easy to give to your dog as a treat. Always check with your vet before administering a natural wormer to make sure it passes their professional standards.