Neuter Vs. Not Neuter in Male Dog

The behavioral effects of neutering don't always show up instantly.
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When it comes to deciding what's optimal for your dog's well-being and happiness, review all the pros and cons. Neutering surgery in dogs offers a lot of benefits, and it's recommended by most vets except for male dogs you intend to breed in the future.


If your dog is neutered, he no longer is physically capable of getting female canines pregnant -- a definite positive aspect in this society full of hungry and homeless animals roaming the streets. If you wish to someday breed the cutie, on the other hand, neutering him is the last thing you want to do. Neutering surgery makes male dogs totally infertile. The procedure is 100 percent permanent.


Sexually mature male dogs are extremely hormonal creatures, and much of their focus is on mating. It's not uncommon for male pooches to try to break out from their homes to find females who are ready to breed. It's also not uncommon for them to be extremely physically aggressive with other male dogs. They also often urine-mark as a way of communicating their mating intentions to individuals of the opposite sex. If a male dog is neutered, it drastically cuts down on these hormonal actions, often eliminating them entirely. This frequently makes for a much more relaxed and more pleasant pet -- one who is happy to be around your family rather than constantly thinking about going elsewhere and mating.


Neutered dogs sometimes experience differences in appetite and metabolism -- a possible result of hormonal shifts post-surgery. This often leads to them packing on the pounds quicker than before, if you don't moderate the diet. Proper physical fitness and reduced diet are usually enough to keep weight under control. If you have any questions regarding your pet's weight, speak to a veterinarian. If your dog is indeed overweight or on the way, a vet can help you put together a healthy diet and exercise plan for him.

Health Issues

Neutering offers dogs many health benefits; at the same time, it offers a handful of possible problems. Fixed male dogs are especially susceptible to hypothyroidism and cancers like hemangiosarcoma and osteosarcoma. On the positive side, the procedure eliminates the risk of testicular cancer, a condition that is often fatal. It also often greatly minimizes a dog's chances of experiencing prostate difficulties.