Making dog treats at home allows you to be creative while pleasing your pet. Whether you decide to give Fido a birthday party or just a baked surprise, topping it with a yogurt frosting flavored with his favorite sweet adds to his delight.
Pour 4 ounces of plain yogurt in a large mixing bowl. Yogurt dries fast and stays in place on your furry friend’s treat.
Add his favorite flavor, such as honey, sugar-free peanut butter or white chocolate. When adding honey, use approximately 2 tablespoons and for peanut butter use 2 to 4 ounces.
Whisk the ingredients together with a fork or kitchen whisk. To thin the mixture, add canola oil slowly while whisking. To thicken it, sprinkle in flour or cornstarch while mixing. You are aiming for a consistency similar to cake icing.
Spread the yogurt frosting on the treat immediately. Allow it to dry completely before serving.
Place your treats topped with frosting in the refrigerator to help the icing set.
Place your treats topped with frosting in the refrigerator to help the icing set.
Items You Will Need
- 4 ounces yogurt
- Flavoring
- Whisk or fork
- Canola oil
- Cornstarch or flour
- Place your treats topped with frosting in the refrigerator to help the icing set.
Writer Bio
Amanda Maddox began writing professionally in 2007. Her work appears on various websites focusing on topics about medical billing, coding, real estate, insurance, accounting and business. Maddox has her insurance and real estate licenses and holds an Associate of Applied Science in accounting and business administration from Wallace State Community College.