Recipe for a Yogurt Coating That Hardens for Dog Treats

A plain treat is no fun.
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Making dog treats at home allows you to be creative while pleasing your pet. Whether you decide to give Fido a birthday party or just a baked surprise, topping it with a yogurt frosting flavored with his favorite sweet adds to his delight.

Pour 4 ounces of plain yogurt in a large mixing bowl. Yogurt dries fast and stays in place on your furry friend’s treat.

Add his favorite flavor, such as honey, sugar-free peanut butter or white chocolate. When adding honey, use approximately 2 tablespoons and for peanut butter use 2 to 4 ounces.


Whisk the ingredients together with a fork or kitchen whisk. To thin the mixture, add canola oil slowly while whisking. To thicken it, sprinkle in flour or cornstarch while mixing. You are aiming for a consistency similar to cake icing.


Spread the yogurt frosting on the treat immediately. Allow it to dry completely before serving.



  • Place your treats topped with frosting in the refrigerator to help the icing set.


  • Place your treats topped with frosting in the refrigerator to help the icing set.

Items You Will Need

  • 4 ounces yogurt
  • Flavoring
  • Whisk or fork
  • Canola oil
  • Cornstarch or flour