There is no reason a house with dogs should be any less sanitary than one without dogs. You will definitely have to stay on top of cleaning, but don't think having dogs in the house means odors and hair-coated furniture are inevitable. Knowing where to concentrate your efforts will make the cleaning process more effective.
Groom Your Dog Regularly
A short-haired dog without an undercoat can probably be groomed once a week, but a dog with long hair or a thick, dense undercoat may need brushed daily to keep loose hairs from coating the house. The good news is that most dogs enjoy grooming sessions, once they are accustomed to them. If you groom your dog regularly and his coat isn't tangled, it shouldn't take longer than 15 minutes.
Sweep, Vacuum and Mop
Keep loose hair off the floor, so it doesn't get tracked through the house or wind up on the furniture. You may need to sweep or vacuum the busiest spots in the house daily and other areas once a week. Go over the upholstered furniture with a vacuum once a week as well to catch stray pet hair.
Wipe Everything Down
Even with your best efforts, dog hair can end up on coffee tables and counters. Wipe hard surfaces down weekly, using a disinfectant spray in the kitchen and bathroom to keep things sanitary.
Catch Your Dog When He Comes Inside
It is much easier to keep your house clean if you minimize the amount of dirt that comes into the home. Put a door mat on either side of your dog's main entrance. On muddy, snowy or wet days, catch him before he steps off the mat and use a towel to clean his feet before he goes any further.
Bath and Launder Frequently
Many people don't bathe their dog frequently because they worry the shampoo will dry and irritate his skin. As long as you use a gentle shampoo made for dogs, this shouldn't be an issue. Bathe your dog at least once a month, and as often as once a week. Wash his bedding weekly, too, to remove hair, dry skin and flea eggs that may be hiding.