Tetraparesis In Dogs

Tetraparesis sometimes indicates degenerative myelopathy in canines.
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If you notice your dog displaying peculiarities in his manner of walking, then it's time to investigate the situation at a veterinary clinic. Neurological disorders such as tetraparesis often manifest themselves as difficulties in walking. When dogs suffer from tetraparesis, they exhibit limb weakness in general.

Tetraparesis Background

If your dog has tetraparesis, then all four of his legs are extremely feeble and delicate. Tetraparesis can appear in dogs suddenly. With tetraparesis, canines experience problems with neurological operations in all of their limbs, no exceptions, according to the Wheat Ridge Veterinary Specialists. The progressive weakness is a possible symptom of many diverse medical ailments in dogs.

Tetraparesis and Tetraplegia

Tetraparesis in dogs differs slightly from the somewhat similarly named tetraplegia, which also is a neurological issue. When dogs have tetraplegia, all of their limbs are actually paralyzed rather than simply frail. Paralysis frequently is a reaction to the interference in the relaying of messages between the brain and the spinal cord. When a dog is fully paralyzed in his legs, he loses all ability to move them and walk around normally.

Tetraparesis and Medical Conditions

If a dog has tetraparesis, it could be associated with a wide range of health conditions, including various spinal cord disorders. Some of the spinal cord disorders that can lead to tetraparesis in canines include osteochondromatosis, calcinosis circumscripta, granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis, fibrocartilaginous embolism, cervical stenotic myelopathy (also known as Wobbler syndrome), infectious meningoencephalomyelitis, and thromboembolic disease, among numerous others. These diseases can be degenerative, neoplastic, vascular, inflammatory and anomalous. Tetraparesis can sometimes even denote Cushing's syndrome in dogs -- hyperadrenocorticism. Cushing's syndrome is a disorder that involves the adrenal glands making too much cortisol, a kind of hormone.

Tetraparesis and Trauma

Not only can tetraparesis signify the presence of disease, it can also signify severe bodily injuries in dogs. This is why it's so crucial to seek prompt veterinary care for all dogs that experience traumas. Herniated discs can sometimes bring upon tetraparesis. Luxation or fracture of the vertebrae also can occasionally be responsible for extreme frailty of the limbs in dogs. When you take your pet in for a veterinary assessment, be sure to provide her with as many details on your dog's injury as possible. If your dog fell down the stairs, for example, explain that.