How Long Will I See Symptoms After My Dog Ate Chocolate?

Though you might be tempted to share chocolate with your canine companion, chocolate is toxic for dogs.
George Doyle & Ciaran Griffin/Stockbyte/Getty Images

Though your dog may seem interested in sharing a piece of chocolate or a chocolate chip cookie with you, chocolate is highly toxic for your pup and can be deadly in certain amounts. If you suspect your dog has ingested chocolate, it's best to bring your dog into the veterinarian immediately. It may take up to several hours for symptoms to appear, depending on the amount ingested and the size of your dog.

The Danger of Chocolate

Chocolate is made from cocoa beans, which contain caffeine and a chemical compound called theobromine. Theobromine is the real danger, because dogs metabolize theobromine much more slowly than humans. While humans can digest theobromine in 20 to 40 minutes, lasts in a dog's systems for more than 12 hours. The signs of theobromine poisoning is different for many dogs, but the most common clinical signs are diarrhea, vomiting, increased thirst, panting, restlessness, excessive urination, a racing heart rate, muscle spasms and tremors.