How to Make Fleece Doggie Booties

Dog booties prevent painful clumps of snow between the dog's toes.
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In March 1974, the "Anchorage Daily News" printed instructions for how to make dog boots because of the exceptionally bad weather conditions in that year's Iditarod dog sled race. In response to those instructions, 4,500 boots were donated over a two day period. The printed instructions were quite simplistic but dog booties can be as simple or as fancy as you want to make them. Fleece is commonly used but other fabrics include cordura nylon and upholstery fabric.

Cut two "U-shaped" patterns 7 inches high and 4 inches across. Sew the two pieces together around the outside of the "U" and hem the open top of the "U."

Put the sample booty on your dog's foot to measure for size. Dogs can be sensitive to being touched on their paws so before trying the booty, test your dog's foot sensitivity. You may need to build up to putting the boot on by teaching them foot touching is something to be enjoyed. Reward your dog with a treat and/or praise, for allowing you to touch its foot.

Adjust the size of the boot based upon your trial fitting. Cut 8 "U-shaped" patterns to the size appropriate to your dog.

Cut the Velcro into 3 1/2-inch strips and sew the scratchy side to one boot pattern and the fuzzy side to another boot pattern about 1 inch below the top of the "U." Stick the Velcro pieces together.

Sew around the outside of the "U," with the Velcro pieces on the inside and put a hem at the top end of the "U." Turn the seam and hem to the inside and the Velcro to the outside.

Items You Will Need

  • Fleece
  • Thread
  • Needle
  • Velcro