If you're new to the world of rearing puppies, the amount of shut-eye the cuties require may be rather alarming to you at first. In that way, puppies are not unlike teenagers during summer break. Don't be surprised if you notice your puppies sleeping for most of the livelong day.
Newborn Puppies
If you're dealing with a bunch of tiny newborn puppies, sleeping practically "all the time" is indeed normal and healthy, indicates the Humane Society of Greenwood. For the initial two or so weeks of your tiny puppies' existences, expect them to be asleep for approximately 90 percent of the day. During the short time the fluff balls are actually awake, they will likely be playing with each other or nursing with mommy -- aww.
Uninterrupted Sleep
Young puppies can also stay asleep for relatively long stretches of time without having to get up to use the potty, reports the Humane Society of the United States. In fact, a puppy can stay asleep for upwards of seven blissful, uninterrupted, bathroom-free hours at a time.
Three Months Old
When puppies reach approximately 3 months in age, they'll still require oodles of sleep, although not quite as much as wee newborns. For optimal health and energy, puppies need to receive between 15 and 20 hours of sleep time within the span of a single day, notes the Eagle Valley Humane Society. If your puppies are off in dreamland for 20 hours of the day, it is no cause for alarm, so breathe easy.
Adult Dogs
As puppies get further and further into "fully grown" status, they will need less and less sleep. Adult canines need between 12 and 16 hours of sleep, although it may vary slightly by body size, breed and other factors. Though 12 to 16 hours may seem like seriously significant rest to a human being, it is certainly a far cry from what puppies usually get.
Veterinary Attention
If a puppy's sleeping goes beyond the typical range or seems excessive in any way, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian just to make sure that she indeed is OK. Remember, when a pet's health is involved, there is no such thing as too careful.