Some dogs have very sensitive skin, and commercial conditioners may irritate more than they soothe and condition. Making your own conditioner for your dog's skin and coat will guarantee that you know what is being used and will protect sensitive skin. The fragrance of homemade conditioner is fresh and pleasant.
Rosemary Conditioner
Pour four cups of water into a pan and bring it to a rolling boil.
Sprinkle two teaspoons of fresh or dried rosemary into the water. Remove the pot from the heat and allow the mixture to steep for 10 minutes.
Line a strainer with a paper towel, coffee filter or cheesecloth. Place the lined strainer inside a larger bowl. Pour the rosemary-and-water mixture into the strainer slowly. Once you have strained all the liquid, set it aside to cool.
Shampoo your dog as usual, and rinse thoroughly. Pour the conditioner onto your dog's coat and massage in well with your fingers. Pat off excess with a towel and allow your dog to air-dry. Do not rinse the conditioner out.
Coconut Banana Conditioner
Mix together half a cup coconut oil, one tablespoon scented bath oil, two drops of vanilla extract and two teaspoons olive oil in a large bowl and set to the side.
Crack one egg into a small bowl and whip it until it is very fluffy. Still mixing, slowly pour in one cup of milk. Continue mixing as you pour in a half cup water.
Heat one tablespoon of honey until it pours easily, and add it to the egg mixture. Mix well.
Cut one avocado and one banana into small chunks and place in a plastic bag. Add one cup of mayonnaise to the bag. Close the bag tightly and squeeze and massage the bag until all ingredients are mashed and well blended.
Pour the contents of the bag into the egg mixture and mix until completely blended. Add the contents of the oil mixture and mix well again. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to cool thoroughly.
Shampoo your dog as usual. Work the conditioner into his coat well with your fingers and work it all the way through with a comb. Allow it to sit on him for 30 minutes before rinsing thoroughly. Leftover conditioner will keep for two weeks in the refrigerator.
Items You Will Need
- Rosemary
- Coconut oil
- Olive oil
- Milk
- Vanilla extract
- Egg
- Honey
- Avocado
- Banana
- Mayonnaise
- Bath oil
- Plastic bag