Refrigerator Food for Dogs

A variety of refrigerated food is available for pet parents to buy, from canned stews to fresh proteins and vegetables.
Chris Amaral/Photodisc/Getty Images

Choosing the right food for your dog is sometimes challenging, especially with so may options available. Although dry dog food usually is more affordable and easier to store, dog food requiring refrigeration has greater health benefits than dry food. When purchasing refrigerated dog food, consider proper preparation, serving amounts and storage.

Wet versus Raw Foods

Refrigerated dog food is available commercially, such as wet foods in packages that require refrigeration, or as raw foods that are minimally processed or even homemade. Refrigerated foods such as canned wet foods are healthier for dogs since they often contain less preservatives, less artificial dyes, more protein and fat and are easier for dogs to digest, according to Dog Aware. Raw foods that are fresh and never frozen are an even healthier alternative to wet canned or dry food for dogs with allergies or other health issues.

Health Benefits

Refrigerated dog food commonly contains fresh ingredients like proteins such as chicken, turkey, fish, beef and venison, vegetables such as sweet potatoes and fruits like apples. These food items are full of vitamins and nutrients that dogs need to stay healthy and active. According to Only Natural Pet Store, fresh ingredients also help your dog to build his immunity up, promote healthy gums and teeth and combat immune disorders and diseases. More of these health benefits are found in raw foods than in commercial wet foods.

Feeding Amount and Frequency

Primal Pet Foods recommends that you feed your dog twice per day, especially for more active dogs. How much you feed your dog depends on several factors, including your dog's weight, activity level, metabolism and age. To determine how much to feed your dog per day, multiple his weight by 2 or 3 percent, suggests Primal Pet Foods. The number you calculate is the average amount of ounces or pounds to feed your dog each day. Divide this number by two to get the amount you should feed him each meal if you feed him twice per day.

Serving, Storage and Keeping

When serving your dog refrigerated food, there are several precautions you should take. Wash your hands with warm water and soap after handling any raw meats. Cover securely and place any leftover raw or wet food packages back into your refrigerator that you will not be serving to your dog. If your dog leaves any leftovers in his bowl, throw them out after two hours. Rinse his food bowl with warm water and soap. Clean surfaces with bleach that came into contact with meat.