People like to treat dogs like family members, but not everything you eat is good for your dogs. Shallots, like onions and garlic, can damage the red blood cells, causing serious health issues. It might not harm a dog if he ingests a small piece of shallot left in a table scrap, but it is best to avoid giving any amount of shallots to your dog.
The Allium Family
Shallots are members of the Allium family of plants, along with chives, garlic, leeks, onions and scallions or green onions. These plants contain a property called N-propyl disulfide, as well as other organosulfoxides, which damage the hemoglobin in red blood cells. These plants are potentially toxic to dogs whether cooked, dried, fresh or powdered.
Organosulfoxide damage to hemoglobin results in the red blood cells being unable to carry oxygen through the dog’s body. The same properties can also cause anemia by causing red blood cell death. Symptoms of damage caused by eating shallots include the appearance of being tired, weak or uncoordinated, pale gums, nausea and vomiting. The dog’s urine may be red or brown from the presence of blood, he may start salivating a great deal and he may develop an irregular heartbeat. Symptoms may appear a day or two after eating shallots.
Dogs with shallot poisoning must be treated by a veterinarian. They may require the administration of activated charcoal, oxygen or fluids. However, the best treatment for shallot poisoning is prevention.