Travatan for Dogs

Glaucoma can be prevalent in basset hounds.
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Glaucoma is a disease occurring in humans, dogs and other mammals and can cause pain, cornea hazing, red or thick blood vessels in the white of the eye, dilated pupils and blindness. Most glaucoma onsets are sudden for dogs, and can be classified as primary or secondary. Primary glaucoma is not the result of previous intraocular disease, whereas secondary glaucoma can follow prior inflammation, displaced lens, cancer or retinal detachment. Whichever type of glaucoma your dog has, he is feeling pressure inside his eye that wears down the cells connecting his eyes to his brain and causes retina degeneration.

Travatan as Glaucoma Treatment

Veterinarians will suggest surgery for long-term care of your dog's glaucoma. Unfortunately, human glaucoma responds better to medication than canine glaucoma, although there are a few medications that have been developed for humans that effectively can treat glaucoma in dogs, including Travatan, a prostaglandin analogue, which increases the amount of fluid that can drain from the eye and therefore reduces eye pressure. Travatan is administered as an eye drop. Lab studies have determined usually no more than two dosages are necessary per day, but to determine the appropriate dosage for your dog's individual needs, it is best to consult your veterinarian.